Product Returns

We want you to be fully satisfied with our products, but if for any reason this does not happen, you always have the opportunity to return or change the product.

Use the return form to register your request!
Product change:

  • if you want to change the ordered product with another (other lengths, color, type) this can be done by sending us the ordered product back, with the transport payment to the recipient (at EL-NELSUS CLOTHING SRL). We will notify you upon receipt and we will restore which product you want to exchange
  • The new product will reach your address again in 2-3 working days.
  • CAREFUL! The returned products must be perfectly intact, in the original packaging, and must not show signs of wear or tear, for reasons of hygiene and health. Products that do not comply with these conditions will be returned to you for reasons of hygiene and health!
  • In the case of hair extensions, it is very important not to remove them from the package, otherwise, it may be considered that the product has been tested or worn.
  • if you remove the content from the package, you lose the return guarantee
  • don’t try to repackage the extensions!
  • Hair color, length, weight, and quality can be seen without removing the packaging.
  • Our team will make a careful evaluation of the product upon receipt, in order to verify the fulfillment of the return conditions.
  • Suppose the product does not comply with the terms and conditions of return. In that case, a report will be drawn up in the presence of the courier in which the aspects that do not comply with the return conditions will be mentioned, and the product will be returned to you, for hygiene reasons. and health!
  • Exception, if you still broke the opp packaging, but the product has not been worn/used / tested, or when the packaging is damaged, you will be charged a repackaging fee of up to 25% of the value of the product, which will be charged. billed later!
  • the products are returned together with the accessories received, with the bonuses or gifts offered, and necessarily accompanied by the purchase documents
  • Returns of proven products, without the opp packaging, worn, trimmed, painted, or showing other signs of damage are not accepted.
  • clip-on parts, and separate tables, are the only ones that cannot be changed/returned for strict hygiene and health reasons.
  • In the case of wigs made of natural or synthetic hair, the return guarantee is lost, if you cut the transparent mesh that borders the wig or if the adjustment system shows traces of forcing.

Any return that does not comply with our conditions will be refused for reasons of hygiene and health!
Our team will exclusively checks the quality of each item, thus guaranteeing that the items ordered from  are in perfect condition. In case of an exception, we assume responsibility and replace your item with an identical one (model, size and color), bearing the transportation fees (round trip).
The Romanian legislation in force stipulates:  “the consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, within 14 calendar days, without penalties and without invoking any reason. The only costs that can be borne by the consumer are the direct costs of returning the products. “
If you wish to return one or more products or to report a defect or a wrong delivery of the product, it is necessary to notify us within a maximum of 3 days of receipt of the package, by calling one of the tel: +40791614098

If you initially benefited from free shipping (usually for orders over a certain amount set by US), it will be withheld when you return the value of the product that formed the offer with free shipping, and of course invoiced later!

Steps to return the product:

  1. Fill in the Return Form at the bottom of this page; this is necessary in order to be able to process the Return as soon as possible and to send you a replacement product or to return the money to your account.
  2. Pack the products you want to return – the product in the original packaging (cardboard + transparent foil, or box, as appropriate) must be placed in another box so that neither the product nor the packaging is damaged during transport
  3. In the package add – the warranty certificate (where applicable), the copy of the invoice and the completed Return Form (in case you have not completed it and have already sent it to us).
  4. Send only by courier the package with the products to EL-NELSUS CLOTHING SRL to an address we will provide. Parcels sent by Romanian Post will not be picked up!
  5. For returns from abroad, the package must be sent to  EL-NELSUS CLOTHING SRL to an address we will provide.. You can opt for the postal services or a courier company so that the transfer costs are minimal. Abroad, for the exchange of color or product, there is no parcel exchange service at the contracted courier company.

Product return costs are borne by the customer!

The refund of the value of the returned product will be made within 14 days from the Return by bank transfer to the IBAN account specified in the Return Form, according to the legislation in force!

Fill out the form below to get an RMA number.

Order information